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File size:
18 640 bytes (18.20K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 214


                  ______  _    __ _ _______    ______________
                  \___  \l¬\  /  |¬\\____ ¬\  /  ___________/
                   /  \  \ .\/   |  \|  ___/ /  /\ ¬\   __/
                  //   \  \ \\   ¡  \\   |   \  \/  /   |
                  \____|\    /_______/___|    \____/l___|
                 )=======\__/==[sTZ!/sE ©'97]==============(
              ____________  ____  __  ________________________
              \____ ¬\__ ¬\/   ¬\ \/ /  ¬\____ ¬\__   __/ ___/
               |  ___/ / _/  /\ \\  /  ¡  \  / _/ |   |\___¬\
               ||  |   \  \  \/  / /      \\ \  \ |   |/  /  \
               |·  l___|\  \____/  \___l___/_|\  \l___¡\_____/
             -=l___¡=====\__/==[sTZ!/sE ©'97]==\__/===========-

                            !s here to present
                            another qu!ck made
                           ®p^a fuck!n' release

                            ...     ::::··:::
                         .:::::::. ::·     :::
                        ::::·  ·:::::      :::
                       ::::      ·::       ::        ___.___
      .___      _____ __:::.__      _____.:: _______/   |   \__    _____
      |   \  __/_    \\____  ø\  __/_    |:_/_    \     |     / __/_    \
  \---|    \/   /    //   .   \\/   /    /   /    /     |     \/   /    /
._/   |     \  /____/¯\_  |    /   /    /   /____/¯\_   |      \_./____/¯\_
|___________/__________/__|____\_ /_____\___________/___|________|________/
                                ::  ::


 hi all!  it's yøur favørit ascii-artist buggin' yøu again with a brand new
 release of ascii-crap. i seem to have gøt a new ascii-inspiratiøn, as i've
 døne    atleast    fifteen    asciis    in  the    three    last     days.
 this  cøllection  has been  døne  in  a  few secønds and is a shørtie, but
 on   the  øther   hand,  i  døn't  have  energy  tø  read  +30kb   cøllys.
 guess   i   am    just    getting   øld     and    børing   and      such.
 but as usual, it just isn't my prøb. ;) anyway, i will gø  and have a nice
 taiteiden     yö-hangover     nøw.     have     phun     and        sheet.
 ps.  the  cøllection  cønsists  ønly  øf  løgøs  før  my  friends' bøards.
_________________________________________________________________        ___

                         .and the f!rst logo appears.
|                                                                          |
| [b/\tes møtel]              ·j e /\ n e t t e·                   [psykø] |
                                                     |                     |
                         __________                  :   .b/\tes  .motel   |
            _____ _______\     _  /.   _____   _____ /_                    |
         __/_    \\____  ø\___/    |__/_    \ /     /_                     |
        /   /   _/    .   \\_/     /   /    / \___    \                    |
       /   /_    \_.  |     \_.___/   /____/¯\_  /     \_.                 |
       \_____._____|  |_______|   \___________/______.___|                 |
         ___.|________|__________    _____           |                     |
        /   |_______ __\     _  / __/_    \ _____    |                     |
       /    |  ___ /    \___/    /   /    //    /    |                     |
      /       /  \/      .\/    /   /____/¯\_  /---/ |                     |
     /     \ /   /       |______\___________/ /    \_.                     |
  ._/       Y____\_________/©nup/p^a     \___________|                     |
  |_________|                                        |                     |
|                                                                          |
| [bermud/\ tr!/\ngle]        ·j e /\ n e t t e·                 [qu/\rtz] |
                           |                    |
                           .     ___            |       _____.
     _____     _____     __|__  /   |_______ ___.    __/_    |  _____
  __/_    \ __/_    \ __/_    \/    |  ___ //   |---/   /    |__\   ø\
 /   /   _//   /    //   /   _/       /  \//    |  /   /     /    .  \\
/   /_    \_. /____/¯\_ /_    \_.  \ /    /     |  \______._/     |    \
\___________|_________/___\_____|   Y_____\_____._____/   |____________/
       _________      _____:        |  _____    | _____.    ____   _____
       \       /_. __/_    \        |__\   ø\  __/_    | __/_   \ /    /
        \___/    |/   /   _/        /    .  \\/   /    |/   /___//    /--/
         ._/     /   /_    \_.   ._/     |    \  /     /   /_   /    /   \_.
         |_______\_____\_____|   |__._________/_/______\________\__________|
                      /____.________|©nup/p^a   |                __/_    \
                           |                    |               /   /    /
                           |                    |              /   /____/¯\_
                           ¦                    |              \___________/
|                                                                          |
| [bøøndøcks]                 ·j e /\ n e t t e·                  [s/\l-1] |
          _____             _____.
     ____/     \  _____  _//_  -ø|   _____.          ____  ____.
  __/_   \      \/     \/   /   :|__/_    |_____  __/_   \/   _|__ _____ /_
 /   /  _/      /     _ \  /     /   /    /     \/   /___/   /   _/     /_
/   /_   \_.___/      /__ /_____/   /    /     _ \  /    \_./_    \_.__   \
\__________|   \_________/      \_______/      /___________|  \_____| /    \_.
                                    ©nup\_________/ ._/        | |___________|
|                                                                          |
| [d!g!t/\l c/\ndy]           ·j e /\ n e t t e·                  [hybr!d] |
                                     .____________  __
                                     |            ||  |
                                     .            ||__|
                                     |            |___.
                    _____. /__.   _____   ___.    _ __|_ ______
                 __/_    |/   |__/_    \ /   |________|_____  ø\   ____ /
                /   /    /    /   /____//    |\        /   .   \\ /    /
               /   /    /    /   /_  ._/     |    \___/    |     \_.  /--/
               \_____._/     \.______|_______|     \_._____|___.___| /   \_.
                     |________|      .       |_______|©nup/p^a |___________|
                                     |               ________.
                       ____ _______  |    _____.   __\ _.    |
                    __/_   \\___   \ : __/_    |__/_  \ |    |___
                   /   /___/   .    \ /   /    /   /   \|    |   \
                  /   /    \_. |     \_. /    /   /     :____     \_.
                  \____._____| |_______|/_____\_______._|  /________|
                       |_______|o.   .                |
                                     |                |
|                                                                          |
| [e/\stern frønt]            ·j e /\ n e t t e·                  [h/\k/\] |
                                                    |                      |
                                                    |   .eastern  front.   |
           _____ ________   ____________________  __|__     _____     _____:
        __/_    \\____  ø\ /      __ .         /_/_    \ __/_    \ __/_    |
       /   /    //   .   \\\____    \|    \___/   /    //   /   _//   /    |
      /   /____/¯\_  |     \_. /     \_.   \_.   /____/¯\_ /_    \_. /     |
      \___________/  |_______|_________|_____|___________/___\_____|/______|
         _____/     _|___  ______    | _____._______|__                    .
      __/_    \    /_    \/      \  _:/_    |\        /                    |
     /   /____/     /   _/        \/   /    |    \___/                     |
   ./     __/      /_    \_.       \  /     |     \_: d.ual c.rew s.hining |
 .o|____.__\         \_____|_______/_/______|_______|                      |
        |____________|_                             |   finnish quarters   |
                     :                              |       of head   _____|
                                                    |                | ____
                                                    |                ||____|
|                                                                          |
| [juju]                      ·j e /\ n e t t e·                    [wrec] |
 ______ .___ ________ _ __|___ _____________________________________________
|       |   \\    :___    |   \  ___.                                      /
|   \---|    \/---|   \---|    \/   |---\                                 /
|  ./   |     \_. |  ./   |     \_. |    \    world's f!rst mag!cal bbs  /.
|  |______._____| |  |____._._____| |     \_.                           //|
|________ |_______________| |_______________|©nup_____________________ //_|
|                                                                          |
| [l/\mer l/\nd]              ·j e /\ n e t t e·                   [n/\ks] |

                         ___.             ._____________  /\__ _ __________.
      _____    _____    /ø- |_____     ___|_     _____  \/                 |
     /    /  __\    \  //   |  __// __/_    \ __/_    \                    |
    /    /--/    .   \/       /    /   /    //   /   _/                    |
   /    /   \_.  |    \    \ /    /   /____/¯\_ /_    \_.                  |
   \__________|___.___/     Y_____\_______.___/___\_____|                  .
     _____    ____|_________|__.    _____ |                                |
    /    /  __\   ø\  __/_     | __/_    ||                                |
   /    /--/    .  \\/   /     |/   /    ||                                |
  /    /   \_.  |    \  /      /   /     ||                                |
|                                                                          |
| [str/\!ght h/\te]           ·j e /\ n e t t e·                   [møgue] |
            _________            /__              |                  /
            \       /.   _____  /   \    /___     |____      .______/__
             \_ /    |__/_    \/     \  /    | __/_    \ ____|        /.
         _____ /     /   /   _/       \/     |/   /____//   _|____/    |
        /     /____ /   /_    \_.   ._/      /   /_    /   /    \/     |
       .\___    \   \_____\_____|   |________\____._._/   /_    /__.___|
       |   /    /©nup/p^a  /             \        | |_______\______|o. :
       |_______/ ____.    /              _\_______|    _____  /
                /   _|__ /               \       /. __/_    \·
               /   /    \                 \__/    |/   /    /
            ._/   /_     \_.              ._/     /   /____/¯\_
            |_______\______|              |_______\______ ____/
                     /_________________________\  .      /
                                                  |     /
|                                                                          |
| [thrøne ch/\mber]           ·j e /\ n e t t e·               [necr/\rch] |

 __________ _ ____. _____ _____  /____ ____ ______. _ _____ _______________
 \        /. /   _|__  _//_    \/     \  _//_     |_//_    \\              |
  \___/    |/   /    \/   /   _/       \/   /     /   /    /               |
   ._/   ._/   /_     \_./_    \_.      \  /     /   /____/¯\_             |
   |_____|_______\______|__\_____|_____./_/______\___________/             :
          ____  ____. __________  /    |_____  _ _____    _____     _____  |
       __/_   \/   _|_\  ____  ø\/     |  __//_//_    \__/_    \ __/_    \ |
      /   /___/   /    \/   .   \\       /   /   /   _/   /    //   /   _/ |
     /   /    \_./_     \_. |     \_. \ /   /   /_    \_./____/¯\_ /_    \_.
 ____\____._____|  \._____|_|_______|  Y____\___________|________/___\_____|
|                                                                          |
| [xtc]                       ·j e /\ n e t t e·               [/\nt/\j/\] |
                                                            |              |
              str!kkkly el!te kewl modem only               |   ._______   |
              str!kkkly el!te kewl modem only              _|___|      /   :
              str!kkkly el!te kewl modem only              \:   \     /    |
              str!kkkly el!te kewl modem only               \_   \  _/     |
              str!kkkly el!te kewl modem only             ._/    _\  \     |
              str!kkkly el!te kewl modem only             |_.___/     \_.  |
              str!kkkly el!te kewl modem only             __|___|___ ___|  |
              str!kkkly el!te kewl modem only             \        /.      |
              str!kkkly el!te kewl modem only              \___/    |      .
              str!kkkly el!te kewl modem only               :_/     |      |
              str!kkkly el!te kewl modem only               |_______|      |
              str!kkkly el!te kewl modem only               :__/_   \      |
              str!kkkly el!te kewl modem only               /   /___/      |
              str!kkkly el!te kewl modem only              /   /    \_.    |
                                                           \._________|    |
                                                            |              |
|                                                                          |
| [z!ll!øn høurs]             ·j e /\ n e t t e·                [tr/\!tør] |
             ._____                  _____
   __________|    / ___.      ___.   \    |___________
   \  ___    \    |/   |     /   |   |   /   ________ \ .______
+---\/ø  ____/.   /   _|___ /   _|___|  /   /_   \   \ \|    _/------------+
|   //   \_.  |  /    \    /    \    |  \   \/   /    \ \_  ø|             |
|   \______|__|  \.________\_________|   \._____/|____|\    :|             |
|      __ ___|    |______ ____ ______|____|____   ______\____|             |
|       //   |_   /      \\   /   ________     \ /     ___  /              |
|       /    __\ /        \   \    \ |  /_.   _/_\____    \/               |
|    ._/     |   \\       /   |\    \|.   |        ._/    \\               |

                               · s  t  ø  p ·

                                 no  credits

                                  no greets

                                 no respects

                                · pro  arts ·

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ    _____ .__\__ _____ .______   _____.
  _/   _/_|_   /    _/_|_    /.__\__  |_ ___
 /  /  \   /  /_    \    _  /_|_   /  _/   /
/   __/____\___\___ /____\__\  /  /___|\   \
\___\«--( pRO^aRTS! )--Mo!-/___\___\- /____/
:                                          :
|               ·JEANETTE·                 |
|     © 1 9 9 7  nuori urbaani pösilö      |
|                                          |
